Zazí and famous twitter monk Haemin Sunim together in South Korean television programme!
A couple of months ago we received an email from a Korean television company (SBS) if we wanted to participate in a Korean televisionshow. At first we thought it was a joke but soon we found out this was serious bussiness. Only a month later we were allready in a...
CD Release Sirene Song
Only a few more nights before our debute album Siren song will see the light! June 14 will be the release date. Our album will be available on Itunes, Deezer and Spotify and of course in the stores. To get a glimpse of our album, see this link:...
Hans Dorrestijn en zazí – Eindelijk Licht
sorry, this message is only available in Dutch

Sabien Bosselaar

Dafne Holtland

Margriet Planting