Zazí is a three piece multi-instrumental band from Amsterdam. Margriet Planting, Dafne Holtand, Sabien Bosselaar all sing and play a variety of instruments. (guitar, ukulele, banjo, cello, bass, accordion, keys). The sound of their close harmony singing is very unique and often described as enhanting. After two CD releases through Red Line Records in Holland, their brand has spread across Europe and into the US.
They have toured through Holland with multiple theatershows, played for the Royal Family in Holland, played with Cirque du Soleil, were the supportact of famous singer Charles Aznavour en played at various festivals across Europe and the US.
The foundation of Zazí was laid in Paris, at a cold november night. The girls we’re introduced to each other by a mutual friend and ended up singing a french drinking song on on the steps to the Sacré-Coeur together. They all went separated ways, but two years later, May 2009, they met again and signed up for the singing competition Concours de la chanson, by the Alliance Française – and won. It was a turning point; at that moment, the girls decided to completely devote themselves to music. They broadened their repertoire with songs in all kind of languages and developed a unique style, caracterised byt their variety of instuments and enchanting vocal harmonies. In no time, the ladies gathered an impressive resume: they performed in front of Dutch Queen Beatrix, supported Norwegian band Katzenjammer on tour and played at important fashion shows in Germany. One of the founders of Cirque du Soleil invited them to perform in Canada and they also did a couple tours on the American west coast. In the Netherlands, they toured around the country with several shows, recorded two albums (Siren Song & Zazí Zingt Dorrestijn) and had a little radio-hit with the song “Turn me On’. In 2014 they made a show (Eindelijk Licht) and album (Zazí zingt Dorrestijn) together with Hans Dorrestijn, a famous old writer from the Netherlands. Dorrestijn isn’t the only ‘old man’ that had a little crush on Zazí; in 2014 and 2016 the girls we’re invited by Charles Aznavour to be the supportact for his shows in the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam. In 2015 and 2016 Zazí toured through the country with their show Supernova. In the fall of 2016 the girls had another tour in the USA and worked together with producers like Wendy Starland, who discovered Lady Gaga.